CARBONIT NFP Premium Activated Carbon Block Filter Cartridge: Exceptional Filtration for Pure Water
Premium Filtration for Clean and Tasteful Water
The CARBONIT NFP Premium activated carbon block filter cartridge is a top-of-the-line filtration solution for residential and commercial use. The cartridge is designed to effectively remove impurities, contaminants, and unpleasant tastes and odors from drinking water.
TÃœV-Tested Performance
The performance of the CARBONIT water filter has been rigorously tested and certified by TÃœV, a German institution for product testing. The tests have demonstrated the exceptional ability of the NFP Premium cartridge to filter out a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals.
High Bacterial Reduction Capacity
Tests with extremely high bacterial concentrations have certified the NFP Premium's ability to reduce bacteria by several million. This ensures that your drinking water is free from harmful microorganisms that can cause illness.
Exceptional Performance
The NFP Premium-9 activated charcoal filter cartridge has been tested by several universities and testing authorities. The results consistently demonstrate the exceptional performance of the Carbonit Monoblock NFP Premium, providing you with peace of mind that your water is clean and safe for consumption.